Prairie Fire 130
![Prairie Fire 130 - Andris Taskans, David Bergen](
There are similarities between some of the stories: two feature decapitations, two have young narrators, two have doctors, two have chickens... Truth be told there is more diversity in content than is usual, and this was refreshing. I have many partially-completed journals, both literary & genre, lying about my study & bedroom, so that completing any one feels like a rare accomplishment. Sure there were the standard thematic elements, but the idea is to produce common ideas (for what ideas are truly original?) in less than common form of expression, whether an interesting story-line, creative structure, good humour or interesting characters. This issue was a breeze to read; there was only one story I didn't care for and couldn't finish in a single sitting.
The three stories of note are David Bergen's Excellent "Søren and Regine," "Mazing Grace" by Michael Van Rooy, and the brief piece of fiction "Shelterbelt" by Amber Hayward.
For my full-length review, please visit Casual Debris